Saturday, December 06, 2008

3rd place on the Landscape/Planete Libre photo contest!

From Landscape Magazine (translated by me):

On the 15th of September, Lanscape and Planete Libre started an official photocontest. The jury has decided between the 79 images that got sent in. We present the top 3 here. Taking pride in our initial succes, Landscape and Planete Libre will organise a more ambitious photocontest for 2009. Stay tuned!


1. Photog: CĂ©line D'Orchymont
Rider: DAmien Huzezsch
Location: Cheptain Dirt Camp

2. Photog: Loic Jacquier
Rider: Gislain Puech
Location: Les Arcs

3. Photog: Dries Provinciael (that'd be me)
Rider: Joris Ottschytsch
Location: DirtE19, Edegem (BE)

(Landscape magazine, Issue 5 - Winter 2008)

The magazine is up for free download here

Here's the photograph itself:

Calendar Desktopbackground March 2008

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Another skatepark shot...

Jup, it's that time of the year again. The weather turns to shit, and we're all doomed to ride skateparks for the next 3 to 5 months.

Maybe the picture will show that it doesn't have to be all that bad...


(Click picture for larger version. DO IT!)

Monday, October 06, 2008

SDG Dirt Finals: A4

I haven't got much to say about this really... I arrived a day late, hadn't slept enough so I was pretty worthless all day. Tried to ride a bit, but that failed. Then I tried to take some photo's, and that failed as well. 340 pictures taken, and these are the only ones that are remotely interesting. Photoshopped to hell and back to salvage them a bit. Ah well, I hope you like 'm a bit more than I do.


Benjie with an indian air, I think:

benjie-nfcc (by Drooze Photography)

Joris with a 3whip:

joris-3whip (by Drooze Photography)

Part of the crew:

groupshot (by Drooze Photography)

Dimitris really is a sender:

dimitris-high (by Drooze Photography)

He'd been doing sweet 3's all day. here's one of them:3table (by Drooze Photography)

(the flash you see isn't mine, it's Dennis Katinas' flash. Damn I need to get myself some pockedwizzards!)

They shook hands allright, my timing was just off...:

dimitris&fabio: handjeklap (by Drooze Photography)

Sjors, A4 local, and MC for the day:

MC (by Drooze Photography)


dimitris (by Drooze Photography)

I also forgot what this trick is called. Fuck! If you know, you know what to do...

Yare, with a Candybar:

yare-candybar (by Drooze Photography)

Small dude. won the amateur best trick award too.

youngdude-whip (by Drooze Photography)

Apart from nohanded backflip, he also almost pulled a frontflip.

tnh-backflip (by Drooze Photography)


treinktschen (by Drooze Photography)

Now THAT'S a toboggan!

tucked-toboggan (by Drooze Photography)

Close calls...

triple-jump (by Drooze Photography)

Different view:

toboggan (by Drooze Photography)


nfcc-whip-back (by Drooze Photography)

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I'm not dead...

It's been a few months since I last posted. Many things happened. I had exams, which didn't go too well, my pc crashed, I went to the masters in Cologne, worked some more, went to Benidorm with the girlfriend, had some more exams which went even worse than the first ones, then I worked some more, and yesterday was the first day of the new schoolyear.
So now you're up to speed, I'll let you in on some of my plans:
-first of all, buy a new pc. Trying to edit photo's on this 4year old laptop is horrible, and any attempt at colorcorrection is thwarted by the bland monitor.
-get more photo's online again. I've been riding more and photographing less, but I've still got some gems slumbering on my harddrives, waiting to get out.

I'm also going to stop the whole monthly desktopbackgroundcalendarthings. It's been real fun, but it didn't work out. I will however be putting out desktopbackgrounds, but without the calendar, and not always on a monthly basis.

I'm working on some photo's now, untill they arrive, here's something to keep you keen:


I had recently bought a Canon AE-1, and decided to shoot some film. Three rolls (one of which came out unexposed) and some 40euro's processing cost later, the results haven't been all that great. I do like this one however, and I hope you do too.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Toby Forte, Hannu Cools, Quentin de Martelaere and others on MX trails

Last 3 weeks or so, we've seen some stellar weather in Belgium, and last monday it was still at it's peak. 27°C, blue sky, and some of the best trails in the country. Throw some seasoned international dirt pro's in the mix, and you've got yourself a banger session.
I'm not gonna waste any more words on this one, and just let the pictures speak for themselves.

(aan Hannu: je mag de foto's die hier staan gebruiken, zorg gewoon dat mijn naam vermeld blijft.)

Toby, air on "de coole"

Toby, hip

Toby, oldschool nohander

Kenneth, turndown

Hannu, tuck nohander

Toby, hip

Toby, turndown

Quentin, styling

Toby, stylin'

Quentin, table

Hannu, euro table

Quentin, toboggan

Hannu, table

Fabio, tuck

Hannu & Toby

Toby, whip

Kenneth, turndown

Hannu Cools

little dude


Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Desktopbackground May

Damn, the weather here is far too good to be sitting inside! Hence, 6 days later than planned... The psd files has been lying ready on my pc for a few days though, but I really didn't feel like finishing it off. But here it is, finally.

This months pictures is inspired by Kemo, on of Belgium's finest photographers, who has been, almost single-handedly, documenting BMX in the BeNeLux for years now. On the DirtE19 jam, a few years back, he shot a picture of 2 riders doing nofoot cancans at the same time on 2 jumps. I kinda tried to one-up him, but I have to say it was a **** pain! I don't think we ever had to do so many runs to get a single decent shot! But in the end, I think the result is not too shabby, and I hope you will feel the same way.

Here's a list of which version you should download:


800 /600



For a How-To on making this picture your desktopbackground, check this page.

Here's a small picture of what it looks like:

Calendar Desktopbackground May 2008

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

In search of the sun (Part 3)

A three-man trip to the south of France, Barcelona,...
Words: Fabio
Pics + italics: Drooze

The next day we woke up whit the sun shining through our window, got back in the car and went to search the trails. we pretty fast found out that the trails were not hard to find, talked to some kids who were riding there and they said us that the locals were going to be there at around 2pm. So we went to the nearest camping, put up our tents, had a good meal and made ourselves and our bikes ready to ride.
When we arrived at the trails again it was crowded, we had a chat with the locals, found out that were really friendly and rode the jumps for the rest of the day.

looking good out there!

The campsite

A lot of people there, even for a sunday!

The locals kicked ass

Backflip invert...


Dimitris with a NacNac

Dimitris again

That night, watching a movie on Fabio's Mac.

It was F*cking cold!