Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I'm not dead...

It's been a few months since I last posted. Many things happened. I had exams, which didn't go too well, my pc crashed, I went to the masters in Cologne, worked some more, went to Benidorm with the girlfriend, had some more exams which went even worse than the first ones, then I worked some more, and yesterday was the first day of the new schoolyear.
So now you're up to speed, I'll let you in on some of my plans:
-first of all, buy a new pc. Trying to edit photo's on this 4year old laptop is horrible, and any attempt at colorcorrection is thwarted by the bland monitor.
-get more photo's online again. I've been riding more and photographing less, but I've still got some gems slumbering on my harddrives, waiting to get out.

I'm also going to stop the whole monthly desktopbackgroundcalendarthings. It's been real fun, but it didn't work out. I will however be putting out desktopbackgrounds, but without the calendar, and not always on a monthly basis.

I'm working on some photo's now, untill they arrive, here's something to keep you keen:


I had recently bought a Canon AE-1, and decided to shoot some film. Three rolls (one of which came out unexposed) and some 40euro's processing cost later, the results haven't been all that great. I do like this one however, and I hope you do too.

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