Sunday, March 15, 2009

Painted the jumpbox

People that know our organisation will know that one of the thing we do is demos. There's
quite a few pictures of demos on my blog already. We've had the jumpbox that we use for
a few years now, and it was starting to show signs of wear and tear. A makeover was due.

So yesterday we all got together to give it a new coat of paint. The flashy yellow had to make
way for a different colour. Or colours. New year, new demos, new start. With fresh new

But before the last bit of yellow paint was covered in a brand new layer of flashy colours,
Joris had to do this wallride. Sick!

joris, wallride

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

March gets a new desktop background!

Ever since I stopped with the monthly calendar desktop backgrounds, I've been trying
to upload a background without calendar every now and then. So far, I've managed to
upload one. But no worries, I haven't forgotten about you!

I've got a new background for you. It's a picture of Hanny Cools, doing a table on the 
RedCross jumps in Hasselt, near the concrete park. 

hannu, table.


I hope you all remember how to make a picture your background. If not, just google it.